MEP, Alyn Smith talks to June Stoyer and special guest host, Tom Theobald about the recent decision in the European Union regarding the proposed by on neonicotiniods. Environmentalist and bee health advocate, Graham White joins the show later on to discuss what this decision means for beekeepers and environmentalist.
Can Raw Foods Help Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
The expression, “you are what you eat” is something that many people take to heart, especially when it comes to their health and overall well-being. However, most people do not really understand why this is so. Many people are going back to basics and incorporating a raw food intake as they nurse themselves back to health. Raw foods, consumed in their natural state offer a myriad of vitamins and nutrients that are often lost during the cooking process.
In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Rawpreneur, Marie-Claire Hermans who started her company Ravishing Raw after she cured herself of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia with raw food. She outsmarted doctors who told her she could never be cured. Marie-Claire believed that the body, mind and spirit are connected to each other and work together much like an engine. Since her recovery, Marie-Claire has dedicated her life to helping others as a raw food coach as she continues her journey towards personal growth and wellness.
Love Barbecue’s But Won’t Eat Meat? Try Grilling Vegan Style
When most people think of barbecue’s they think of grilled slabs of marinated meat and chicken. With so many people opting to live a cruelty free and healthier life, grilling plant based foods is a great way to entertain and enjoy many of the delicious foods we love.
Most people love barbecue’s but won’t eat meat. If you want to learn some new tips and techniques, listen to “Grilling Vegan Style” with John Schlimm on The Organic View Radio Show with host, June Stoyer. Click here to listen to the interview: