Are Hummingbirds The Next Victim Of Neonicotinoid Exposure?

At this stage, we know that there are pesticides in the hummingbirds based upon what we are measuring in their pee and their poop.

The North American hummingbird population is declining! Why are they disappearing? Is it due to habitat loss, predators, or possibly exposure to pesticides such as neonicotinoids? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Dr. Christine Bishop about her new research on the declining hummingbird population.

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Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Is Endangered & Brain Cell Death In Bats

Rusty patched bumble bee

In this week’s segment of The Neonicotinoid View, host June Stoyer and Colorado beekeeper, Tom Theobald talk about the recent news about the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee as the first bee in the continental United States to be listed as endangered. Also, discussed is new research that proving how imidacloprid cripples the echo location ability in bats and causes brain cell death. This new research proves what top scientists have been warning us about for decades. Stay tuned!

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