Discussion With USDA About Honey Bee Health Survey

Thriving Or Dying

Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a survey about honey bee health which has created quite a stir from bee health advocates as well as beekeepers. The survey implies that honey bee populations are increasing. Meanwhile, beekeepers are expressing concerns about the interpretation of this data. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer discusses the survey with Mr. Joshua O’Rear, an agricultural statistician with USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. His current duties include preparing the estimates for the Honey, Honey Bee Colonies, and Cost of Pollination reports. Stay tuned!

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Smartcool Systems: The Power Of Innovation For Energy Conservation

When businesses operate sustainably, it benefits everyone. Reducing energy consumption will reduce operating, manufacturing and consumption costs thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, as energy prices soar along with rising atmospheric temperatures, energy efficiency is something we can no longer ignore. Businesses, especially, must find ways to reduce the amount of energy used without reducing quality. This is no easy task because with the current economic climate many producers, manufacturers and retailers are already working with small margins. It is a competition that could mean the end of a business if the wrong decision is made.

Creating an energy-efficient business does not mean that you have to dispose of all existing equipment. To invest in equipment that may or may not be worth the money is risky and would also contribute to the landfills which is not very eco-friendly.

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