Psychosomatic disorders are well known and accepted causes for multiple diseases involving the mind (psyche) and body (soma). For example, when we are afraid or anxious adrenaline is released often producing several of the following symptoms: a fast heart rate, fast breathing, wide eyes, palpitations, feeling sick, shaking (tremor), sweating, dry mouth, chest pain, headaches and a knot in the stomach. This is the body’s way of protecting itself, creating the flight, fright and fight response which increases the body readiness to react.
In Practical Miracles, Arielle Essex describes her process for facing any kind of crisis and how to develop the kind of resilience that sustains you and keeps you well, no matter what happens. Arielle has shared the insights she gained during her own journey, and provided a series of useful stepping-stones to make it easier for the individual to navigate through the challenging times that cancer presents.
Tune in to this segment of The NLP View Radio Show, as host, Donna Blinston RGN is joined by author, Arielle Essex to discuss her best-selling book Practical Miracles Choices: that Heal and Build Resilience and her specialty of mind/body psychology using NLP. 1st of March, 2013 at 2pm EDT/11amPST/7pm GMT! Stay Tuned!