Tips For Raising Mason Bees

Tips For Raising Mason Bees Osmia sandersoneae, F, face Photo: USGS

Raising mason bees has become a very popular trend, especially for avid gardeners and hobbyists who are fascinated by other species of pollinators such as honey bees, birds and bats. If you want to learn about the care of mason bees, listen to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show as host, June Stoyer talks to Colorado beekeeper, Mr. Tom Theobald about what you need to know to raise them. Learn tips about identification, care, fun facts about mason bees and more!

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Get Rid Of Clutter and Start Making Room For God

Clean up and Start Making Room For God

Do we collect things that we really do not need? Do we keep things we can’t use immediately because perhaps one day it might be useful? Do we stock up on things in anticipation of expecting the worse to come?

Making Room for God, Decluttering and the Spiritual Life by Mary Elizabeth Sperry is a great book for anyone who is overwhelmed and isn’t sure how to go about making changes to simplify life. Listen to this segment of The Discerning View Radio Show as host, June Stoyer talks to Mary Elizabeth Sperry how you can declutter your life!

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