Does Hydration Have to Be Artificially Sweetened?

Why Does Hydration Have to Be Artificial?

Running The Same Plays Out of The Same Playbook

Have you noticed a repeated pattern when it comes to marketing products to uninformed consumers? What clever marketers push as being trendy and healthy inevitably seem to transition into something toxic and unhealthy.  In fact, we have seen this type of marketing used on a myriad of products ranging from: the widespread use of asbestos in building materials, plastic instead of natural fiber reusable bags, lead and mercury-based make up, to the tobacco industry.  Will people ever learn? 

Cellophane ad

Cigarettes That Are Healthy? 

Not too long ago, cigarettes were marketed as something healthy and good for you. Decades later, after countless deaths and legal actions, we now know this to be a falsehood. Here are some old ads which were warmly embraced back in the day. 

Get a lift with Camel! Tired? Light a Camel. And as you enjoy its cool, pleasing fragrance, you feel a new flow of energy… a quick and delightful “energizing effect.”

Get a lift with Camel!

According to this ad, there is scientific evidence on effects of smoking Chesterfield cigarettes stating “no adverse effects on the nose, throat and sinuses of the group from smoking Chesterfield.” Decades later, new research proved industry’s “scientific evidence” to be incorrect. 

scientific evidence on effects of smoking

Motherhood, infants and cigarettes seemed to be a great mix 60+ years ago. However, the sight of a mother holding a baby would make anyone cringe or make a call to child protective services. 

Mother and baby smoking

This ad conveys a very dangerous message that if doctors are smoking this brand, then it must be safe to smoke Luckies!

The ad conveys that if doctors are smoking this brand, then it must be safe

Does Hydration Have to Be Artificially Sweetened To Taste Good?

Yet another industry is taking a page out of the same play book – soft drinks! Should hydration be artificially sweetened? Should a beverage that contains a chemical that is toxic be marketed as a healthful product?

In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to aspartame authority, Judge Mary Nash Stoddard about clever, new trends that use artificial sweeteners. You might be surprised where these sweeteners are being added.

To listen to the interview, please click the video below. 

Some Sweet Options

There are still a myriad of options for sweetening your favorite food or beverage. Fruit juices from apples, pineapples, citrus and grapes are often used in lieu of sugar as a sweetener. Maple sugar and maple syrup are two very sweet but have become pricey options due to limited supply.

organic honey

Although this honey is organic, it is imported. Supporting local beekeepers by buying local honey is preferred over importing honey.

Honey is still one of the best and healthiest options by far. Local honey does contain pollen from local plants, trees and shrubs, so, it is always best to buy honey that is not imported. It is also a great way to support your local beekeepers keep their operations going.

Sometimes, the unthinkable happens and people choose to enjoy the food in its natural, raw state. No processing! No artificial additives, ingredients or words that are difficult to pronounce; just naturally occurring as it should be! 

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