Raising mason bees has become a very popular trend, especially for avid gardeners and hobbyists who are fascinated by other species of pollinators such as honey bees, birds and bats. If you want to learn about the care of mason bees, listen to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show as host, June Stoyer talks to Colorado beekeeper, Mr. Tom Theobald about what you need to know to raise them. Learn tips about identification, care, fun facts about mason bees and more!
The Interview YouTube Censored
Why is censorship rampant on social media? Why are activists, environmentalists, human rights advocates and anyone who stands up for life targeted? Are these sites purposely targeting activists? Who is behind this?
Discussion With USDA About Honey Bee Health Survey
Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a survey about honey bee health which has created quite a stir from bee health advocates as well as beekeepers. The survey implies that honey bee populations are increasing. Meanwhile, beekeepers are expressing concerns about the interpretation of this data. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer discusses the survey with Mr. Joshua O’Rear, an agricultural statistician with USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. His current duties include preparing the estimates for the Honey, Honey Bee Colonies, and Cost of Pollination reports. Stay tuned!