Open Letter to American Beekeepers

Why would you risk putting something out there that could kill the bees that you need -Bill Rhodes

The Presidential Task Force Report on Bee and Pollinator Health has been widely condemned for failing to address the primary cause of bee-deaths in America: pesticides. Environmental NGOs have strongly criticized the Task Force Report including: PANNA, Beyond Pesticides, Center for Food Safety, Friends of the Earth, National Resources Defense Council and EcoWatch. The central criticism is that this report gives pesticides a free pass in relation to bee colony deaths.

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Come Sit Down Here Beside Me Said The Spider To The Fly

In 1959 the people of Boulder, Colorado approved the “Blue Line”, a city charter amendment that restricted city water service to altitudes below 5,750 feet. This was intended to protect the city’s foothills backdrop from development. Eight years later Boulder voters approved a sales tax dedicated to the purchase of open space land and it wasn’t long after that Boulder County voters did the same.

Through this and subsequent sales tax votes, thousands of acres of publicly owned open space land have been purchased by the County, of which about 20,000 acres are agricultural. The issue of how county agricultural land should be managed drew the public spotlight in 2009 when 6 farmers with leases on county land asked for the ok to plant Roundup Ready sugar beets.

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