In the absence of any sweeping international agreements addressing insect pollinator conservation, this project’s goal was to find topics of consensus at the sub-national levels concerning insect pollinator conservation. This paper showcases areas of agreement useful for similar international, national, providence/state/territory, and municipal policies.
New Bill For Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans
Military-Veterans Advocacy, the primary stakeholder along with the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association just discovered that Dr Phil Roe of TN the Ranking Member on House Committee on Veterans Affairs has introduced another Blue Water Navy bill using the same verbiage as the bill that failed the Senate last year. The Blue Water Navy bill passed the House unanimously but died in the Senate due to multiple holds.
Does Industry Want The Dangers Of Aspartame Suppressed
Does Industry Want The Dangers Of Aspartame Suppressed? Across the internet countless advocates are being silenced through defamation of character, censorship or personal attacks which invoke safety concerns. Whistleblower and veteran artificial sweeteners activist, Hon. Mary Nash Stoddard is taking a stand and exposing some of these tactics used against the Aspartame Dangers network.